February 17, 2011

How do I make my laptop run faster

Posted in about laptops tagged , at 7:54 pm by buylaptop774a


If your computer is running slow, there are many things you can do to make it run faster and, in this article can show some of them.

The first way is to make sure that your computer is protected and that there is nothing damaging his team do not know. The easiest way to do this is a good anti-virus and anti-spyware, a should from your computer and the reason why you want to scan, this is because his team could be something andI would not know. Viruses and spyware are not only harmful, but can also affect the speed of the computer, be sure to update regularly. There are many anti-spyware and anti virus programs available online and you can even get some of them are free.

Another thing you can do faster, your laptop will run to the free space on your hard disk, and the easiest way to do this is to simply remove and programs, files and software on the systemno longer needed or no longer used. The reason is because it helps to free space on your hard disk helps your computer and can contribute to the performance of your system. You should also empty the Recycle Bin and delete temporary Internet files and cookies regularly, as this will help free also contributing to the performance of your computer.

You must also backup all the important things in your systemensure that if the computer crashes lose any of your valuable files.

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